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Legal Notices 

1 Village Square <br>P.O.. Box  1 Village Square  P.O.. Box 128 Granisle BC VOJ IWO  Phone: 250 697 2248 • Fax: 1 888 335 4682  email:    THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRANISLE    NOTICE OF TAX SALEGRANISLE    The following properties will be sold at Tax Sale on Monday,  October 7,2024 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the  Village of Granisle, #1 Village Square, under Section 645 (1) of the  Local Government Act. The Tax Sale will be conducted by public  auction of the lands and improvements in the list set out below.  The following properties will be sold Monday, October 7,2024  unless the delinquent taxes plus interest are paid prior to the  tax sale.  1. Lot 24, Plan PRP7145, District Lot 649, Coast Range 5 Land  District, 65 Chapman St.  2. Lot 69, Plan PRP 7145, District Lot 649 & 1246, Coast  Range 5 Land District, 70 Fulton St.  3. Lot 43, Plan PRP 8056, District Lot 1246, Coast Range 5  Land District, 43 Byron Circle  4. Lot 13, Plan PR559, District Lot 1351A/DL7890 TOGETHER  WITH AN INTEREST IN THE COMMON PROPERTY, 13-50  Hagan St.  5. Lot 5, Block 3, Plan PRP 5308, District Lot 7890, Coast  Range 5 Land District, 8 Sterrett Ave.  6. Lot 15, Plan PRP 6691, District Lot 7890, Coast Range 5  Land District, 24 Chapman St.  7. Lot 16, Plan PRP 6691, District Lot 7890, Coast Range 5  Land District, 22 Chapman St.  8. Lot 12, Plan PRP7460, District Lot 7890, Coast Range 5  Land District, 23 Fleming St.  These properties will be offered for auction with the upset price  being the minimum price accepted. Purchasers of the tax sale  property should note that the sale is not final, as the property is  subject to redemption by the owner until October 7,2025. If the  property is redeemed by the owner, the tax sale purchase price,  plus interest, will be returned to the purchaser.  For more information, please contact the Village of Granisle office  at 250-697-2248
2005 Ford Motorhome <br>Vin#1fdxe45s25ha87454 <br>Lysholm  2005 Ford Motorhome  Vin#1fdxe45s25ha87454  Lysholm Jorgen Georg(debtor)  $18,580.80(amount of debt)  Accepting bids/offers now till October  10th, 2024 via email to  Pictures will be supplied via email to  interested buyers. Sale is, as is where is  and there’s no warranty or condition of  unit being guarantied.
AUCTION SALE <br>Notice is hereby  AUCTION SALE  Notice is hereby given by West  Coast Super Storage Ltd, 317450 Butler Rd, Sooke, BC, V9Z  1N1 that the listed goods will  be open for bidding through  beginning on October 3, 2024.  Amount owed is current only  to this advertisement date.  Lance Gilson M209  $845.42 Misc goods
Box 280 (5031-50 St.) <br>Stettler,  Box 280 (5031-50 St.)  Stettler, AB T0C 2L0    TOWN OF STETTLER  DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NOTICE  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit  Applications have been approved as permitted uses in accordance  with the Town of Stettler Land Use Bylaw No 2060-15:  1. No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3531-2024  Lot 6, Block 45, Plan 2442AE  4910 - 44 Street  Firefly Solar Inc.  Solar Installation    2. No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3532-2024  Lot 5, Block 17, Plan RN54A  4812 - 48 Street  Firefly Solar Inc.  Solar Installation    3. No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3533-2024  Lot 12, Block 72, Plan 6850KS  5703 - 46 Avenue  Firefly Solar Inc.  Solar Installation    4. No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3534-2024  Lot 3 & 1/2 of 4, Block 2, Plan 1890RS  6005 - 43 Avenue  CBI Solar  Solar Installation    5. No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3535-2024  Lot 38 & 39, Block 3, Plan 0626839  5423 - 60 Street  June Marie Beier & Marvin Diegel  Addition to SFD (Sunroom)    6. No:  Legal Description:  Municipal Address:  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    3536-2024  Lot A, Block Y, Plan 4530NY  4201 - 49 Avenue  Stettler Building Supplies Ltd.  Accessory Building (Pole Shed)    Angela Stormoen  Planning and Development Services
Canadian Navigable Waters Act <br>BC  Canadian Navigable Waters Act  BC Hydro hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the  Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for  approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.  Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, ZE Power on behalf of BC Hydro  has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Common  Project Search Registry ( and under registry number  11567, or, under the TC File Number 24-25-00016078. a description of the  following work, its site and plans:  • Replacement of two power pole structures and aerial cable over North  Thompson River at McMurphy, BC  approximately at 51° 40’ 12.44” N, 119° 34’ 48.93” W, over unsurveyed  foreshore or land covered by water being part of the bed of North  Thompson River, with District Lot 4768, Kamloops Division Yale District, in  the Province of British Columbia.  Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be  sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the  Comment section (search by the above referenced number) or if you do not  have access to the internet, by sending your comments directly to:  Navigation Protection Program – Transport Canada  820-800 Burrard Street  Vancouver BC  V6Z 2J8  Transport Canada (TC) will not make your comments on a project available  to the public on the online public registry. However, any information related  to a work is considered as unclassified public record and could be accessible  upon legal request. As such, the information and records provided should  not contain confidential or sensitive information. If you want to provide  confidential or sensitive information that you think should not be made  public, please contact TC before submitting it.  However, comments will be considered only if they are in writing (electronic  means preferable) and are received not later than 30 days after the  publication of the last notice. Although all comments conforming to the  above will be considered, no individual response will be sent.  Posted at Vavenby, BC this 26th day of September, 2024  Faiyaz Sultan on behalf of BC Hydro
CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT <br>NOTICE  CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT  NOTICE OF TAX SALE  MONDAY,  OCTOBER 7TH,  2024  City  of of  Prince  Rupert  City  Prince  Rupert  10:00 AM, COUNCIL CHAMBERS  Notice  of of  Tax  Sale  Notice  Tax  Sale  CITY HALL  424 THIRD AVE W  10:0010:00  AM, AM,  COUNCIL  CHAMBERS  COUNCIL  CHAMBERS  PRINCE  BC  CITYRUPERT,  HALLHALL  CITY  MONDAY,  OCTOBER  7TH,7TH,  20242024  MONDAY,  OCTOBER    424 THIRD  AVE AVE  W W  424 THIRD    Pursuant to Division 7 of Part 16, PRINCE  Section  647RUPERT,  of the  Local Government Act, NOTICE is  RUPERT,  BC BC  PRINCE  hereby given that the following properties and the Improvements situate thereon will  uant  to Division  7 of Part  647 of  theofLocal  Act, NOTICE  is hereby  givengiven  that the  Pursuant  to Division  7 of 16,  PartSection  16, Section  647  the Local  Act, NOTICE  is hereby  thatfollowing  the following  be  sold  at  a tax  sale  unless  payment  inGovernment  fullGovernment  for sale  the  DELINQUENT  TAXES  PLUS  INTEREST  erties  and the  situate  thereon  will be  sold  a tax  payment  in fullinfor  properties  andImprovements  the Improvements  situate  thereon  will  be at  sold  at a tax unless  sale unless  payment  fullthe  forDELINQUENT  the DELINQUENT  accrued  to the  date  ofthe  payment  is payment  received  prior  TAX  SALE.  ES  PLUS  INTEREST  accrued  to  payment  is received  priorto  tothe  thetoTAX  SALE.  TAXES  PLUS  INTEREST  accrued  todate  the of  date  of  is received  prior  the TAX  SALE.  Folio Folio  No. No.    LegalLegal  Description  Description  Lot/ Parcel  Sec Sec  Rg  Lot/ Parcel BlockBlock Plan Plan D.L. D.L.    Rg    Civic Civic  Property  Address  Property  Address    UpsetUpset  Price Price    27-0000061.000  227-0000061.000    9, 10 9, 10    5    5    PRP923  1  PRP9231992 1992    15    5    1253 WATER  ST ST $  1253 WATER    $ 6,311.00  6,311.0    27-0000304.000  227-0000304.000    20, 2120, 21    12    1  12 PRP923  PRP923251 251    15    5    330 2ND  330 AVE  2ND W  AVE W    $    37,803.85  $  37,803.8    741 3RD  741 AVE  3RD W  AVE W    $    86,582.15  $  86,582.1    27-0000894.000  227-0000894.000    B    B    32    1  32 PRP923  PRP923251 251    15    5    27-0001509.000  227-0001509.000    2    2    15    1992 1992  2  15 PRP923  PRP923    25    ST ST$  5 192 VAN  192 ARSDOL  VAN ARSDOL    27-0002513.000  227-0002513.000    C    C    27    251 251  5  27 PRP4432  PRP4432    55    5    19,885.93  $  19,885.9    868 FULTON  ST ST  868 FULTON    $    13,390.05  $  13,390.0    402 9TH  402AVE  9TH W  AVE W    27-0002700.011  227-0002700.011    11    11    PRS15  PRS15 251 251    5    5    $    $ 6,042.77  6,042.7    27-0002896.052  227-0002896.052    52    52    PRS9PRS9 251 251    5    5    52 HAYS  VALEVALE  DR DR $  52 HAYS    $ 4,250.32  4,250.3    27-0002896.058  227-0002896.058    58    58    PRS9PRS9 251 251    5    5    58 HAYS  VALEVALE  DR DR $  58 HAYS    $ 4,885.28  4,885.2    27-0002896.086  227-0002896.086    86    86    PRS9PRS9 251 251    5    5    86 HAYS  VALEVALE  DR DR $  86 HAYS    $4,280.70  4,280.7    27-0003217.000  227-0003217.000    C    C    13    251 251  13 PRP1898  PRP1898    5    5    229 6TH  229AVE  6TH EAVE E    $    12,607.20  $  12,607.2    28    6  28 PRP923  PRP923251 251    65    5    218 8TH  218AVE  8TH EAVE E    $    14,576.59  $  14,576.5    7    1516 6TH  1516AVE  6TH EAVE E    $    10,218.11  $  10,218.1    27-0003485.000  227-0003485.000    18, 1918, 19    27-0003933.000  227-0003933.000    1    1    H    H PRP1920  PRP1920    7    27-0003943.000  227-0003943.000    6    6    H    251 251  H PRP1920  PRP1920    5    5    1476 6TH  1476AVE  6TH EAVE E    $    11,156.25  $  11,156.2    27-0004910.000  227-0004910.000    A    A    46    7  46 PRP923  PRP923251 251    75    5    1630 8TH  1630AVE  8TH EAVE E    $    $9,705.90  9,705.9    27-0004911.000  227-0004911.000    B    B    46    251 251  46 PRP1899  PRP1899    5    5    1638 8TH  1638AVE  8TH EAVE E    $    $9,396.83  9,396.8    27-0009401.001  227-0009401.001    2    2    PRS41  PRS41251 251    5    198  RUPERT  BLVDBLVD  $  10,516.20  5 PRINCE  198 PRINCE  RUPERT  $  10,516.2    27-0044187.000  227-0044187.000    2    2    PRP7225  1992 1992  PRP7225    5    5    27-0045034.000  227-0045034.000    34    34    PRP8388  1992 1992  PRP8388    5    AVE AVE$  5 1840 KOOTENAY  1840 KOOTENAY    PARKPARK  AVE AVE    $    41,954.84  $  41,954.8    14,194.61  $  14,194.6    27-9000402.027  227-9000402.027    28    28    PRP8614  251 251  PRP8614    5    RD RD$  5 141 METLAKATLA  141 METLAKATLA    97,825.76  $  97,825.7    upset  price price  is theisminimum  price price  acceptable  and isand  theisstarting  point point  for bidding  during  the sale.  The highest  bid above  The upset  the minimum  acceptable  the starting  for bidding  during  the sale.  The highest  bid above  The  upset  price  is The  thesuccessful  minimum  price  is the  starting  point  forpurchase.  bidding  pset  price price  will be  accepted.  bidder  mustacceptable  pay by  cash  or and  certified  cheque  at theattime  of  purchase.  An An  the upset  will  be accepted.  The  successful  bidder  must  pay  by cash  or certified  cheque  the  time  of  mation  sheetsheet  isthe  available  atThe  City  Hall,  Customer  during  bid Service.  above  the upset price will be accepted. The successful  nformation  issale.  available  athighest  City Hall,  Customer  Service.    bidder must pay by cash or certified cheque at the time of purchase. An information  sheet is available at City Hall, Customer Service.    municipality  makes  no representation  express  or implied  as to as  thetocondition  or quality  of theofproperties  beingbeing  offered  for for  The municipality  makes  no representation  express  or implied  the condition  or quality  the properties  offered  Prospective  purchasers  are urged  to inspect  the property  and make  all necessary  inquiries  to municipal  and other  sale.  Prospective  purchasers  are urged  to representation  inspect  the property  and make  all  necessary  inquiries  to  municipal  and other  The  municipality  makes  no  express  or  implied  as  to  the  condition  or  nment departments,  and inand  theincase  of strata  lots tolots  thetostrata  corporation,  to determine  the existence  of anyofbylaws,  government  departments,  the case  of strata  the strata  corporation,  to determine  the existence  any bylaws,  quality  of  the  properties  being  offered  for  sale.  Prospective  purchasers  are  urged  to  ctions,  charges  or other  conditions  whichwhich  may affect  the value  or suitability  of theofproperty.  restrictions,  charges  or other  conditions  may affect  the value  or suitability  the property.    inspect the property and make all necessary inquiries to municipal and other government    hasers  should  note that  the  is notisfinal  that  subject  to redemption  by thebyowner  for one  year  Purchasers  should  noteand  thatTax  the  Tax  final  andthe  thatpurchase  the  is subject  to redemption  the owner  forthe  one ye  departments,  in Sale  theSale  case not  of and  strata  lots  to purchase  theisstrata  corporation,  to determine  the Tax  The purchase  of a Tax  property  is subject  to real  taxestaxes  underunder  the Property  Transfer  Tax Tax  from  theSale  Tax Sale  The purchase  of aSale  Tax Sale  property  is subject  toestate  real estate  the Property  Transfer  existence  of any  bylaws,  restrictions,  orperiod.  other  conditions which may affect the  n the  fair  value  of the  at theatend  redemption  Act  on  themarket  fair market  value  ofproperty  the property  thethe  endofcharges  the  of redemption  period.    value or suitability of the property.    OF PRINCE  RUPERT  CITY  OF PRINCE  RUPERT    tor Purchasers  Collector    INQUIRIES:  250-627-2864  INQUIRIES:  250-627-2864    should note that the Tax Sale is not final and that the purchase is subject to  redemption by the owner for one year from the Tax Sale date. The purchase of a Tax Sale  property is subject to real estate taxes under the Property Transfer Tax Act on the fair  market value of the property at the end the of redemption period.  CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT  Collector    INQUIRIES: 250-627-2864
CITY OF TERRACE <br> <br>2024  CITY OF TERRACE    2024 TAX SALE  Pursuant to Section 403 of the Local Government Act, a Tax Sale will be held in the  Municipal Council Chambers, 3215 Eby Street, Terrace, B.C., at 10:00 a.m., October  7th, 2024, for the disposition of the following properties. The following properties  have delinquent taxes as of September 26th, 2024:  Folio #    Address:    Legal Description:    Upset Price:    00332.000    4632 Goulet Ave    Plan 6602, Lot 25, DL 360    $9,639.81    00658.000    4606 Haugland Ave    Plan PRP41612, Lot 1, DL 360    $12,427.79    00659.000    2701 Kalum St    Plan PRP41612, Lot 2, DL 360    $35,964.31    06201.000    5112 Medeek Ave    Plan 3154, Lot 14, DL 611    $10,652.37    19241.000    41-3624 Kalum St    DL 838, LD 14, Mfr. Home Reg. #26969    $663.01    NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS:  1. Tax Sale properties are subject to tax under the Property Purchase Tax Act on the fair market value of the  property.  2. Only commercial property is subject to G.S.T.  3. Taxes become payable if and when the transfer of title occurs following the expiration of the redemption  period.  4. The municipality makes no representation, express or implied, regarding the properties for sale (including  but not limited to condition, quality, or related encumbrances).  5. For additional Tax Sale procedure details, please see the City of Terrace website, City of Terrace Annual  Tax Sale Basic Information.  Lori Greenlaw  Collector/Director of Finance
CITY OF TERRACE <br>2025 TAX  CITY OF TERRACE  2025 TAX EXEMPTION BYLAW  In accordance with Sections 224 and 227 of the Community Charter, the City of Terrace is issuing public notice  for the 2025 proposed permissive tax exemptions being provided for a three-year term as follows:  Land & Improvements as per Section 224 of the Community Charter  Organization  2025    Address    Est. Annual  Value Municipal  Taxes    Est. Annual Value  - Other Taxing  Authorities    $6,393    $1,669    $13,621    $3,519    $1,423    $759    Canadian Red Cross - 645999 BC Ltd  (Lease)    124-4720 Lazelle Ave    Governing Council of the Salvation Army    3236 Kalum St    Governing Council of the Salvation Army  – 645999 BC Ltd (Lease)    3227-3229 Sparks St    Kermode Friendship Society    4714 Park Ave    $38,402    $10,022    Kermode Friendship Society    3313 Kalum St    $15,099    $4,063    Ksan House Society    4444 Lakelse Ave    $2,546    $682    Ksan House Society    2812 Hall St    $9,926    $6,755    Ksan House Society    4838 Lazelle Ave    $26,091    $8,454    Ksan House Society    2822 Tetrault    $11,270    $2,762    Mills Memorial Hospital Auxiliary    4544 Lazelle Ave    $3,267    $795    My Recreational Mountain Co-op    101 - 4805 Hwy 16 W    $2,124    $501    Royal Canadian Legion Pacific #13    4425 Legion Ave    $4,176    $1,054    Terrace & District Community Service    4832 Loen Ave    $2,009    $1,333    Terrace & District Community Service    3219 Eby St    $22,387    $5,858    Terrace & District Community Service    4530 Lakelse Ave    $10,238    $2,504    Terrace Cerebral Palsy Association    2510 Eby St    $7,921    $2,092    Terrace Child Development Centre Society    4665 Park Ave    $7,843    $2,017    Terrace Curling Association    3210 School St    $20,049    $4,888    Terrace Little Theatre Society    3625 Kalum St    $6,569    $1,630    Terrace Search & Rescue Society    4455 Greig Ave    $11,995    $3,147    Clay Artists of Terrace Society    4438 Greig Ave    $3,897    $998    The Terrace Church’s Food Bank (Lease)    3504 Kalum St    $5,308    $1,387    The Garage Community Space Society  (Lease)    3504 Kalum St    $7,962    $2,080    Terrace Women’s Resource Centre Society    4553 Park Ave    $2,380    $1,359    Kalum Community School Society (Lease)    3312 Sparks St    $4,374    $1,061    City of Terrace-Visitor Information Centre    4511 Keith Ave    $11,861    $2,586    Roman Catholic Episcopal Corp.    4836 Straume Ave    $451    $235    Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses    2908 Eby St    $879    $463    Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses    2906 Eby St    $840    $449    Zion Baptist Church    2911 Sparks St    $2,332    $1,206    Terrace Evangelical Free Church    4640 Park Ave    $4,867    $2,691    Skeena Gursikh Society    4634 Walsh Ave    $958    $499    Pentecostal Assemblies    4643 Walsh Ave    $772    $399    Christian Reformed Church    3602 Sparks St    $667    $351    Terrace Gospel Hall    4802 Scott Ave    Knox United Church    4907 Lazelle Ave    $608    $317    $2,876    $1,514    Pentecostal Assemblies    3511 Eby St    $2,632    $1,481    Anglican Synod Diocese    4506 Lakelse Ave    $1,453    $751  $1,165    Skeena Valley Guru Nanak Soc.    4916 Medeek Ave    $2,128    Christian and Missionary Alliance    4927 Agar Ave    $1,175    $617    Uplands Baptist Church    5003 Halliwell Ave    $734    $380    Seventh-Day Adventist Church    5401 McConnell Ave    $1,143    $604    BC Old Age Pensioners (Happy Gang)    3266 Kalum St    $1,856    $977    Fishermans Park    5831 Hwy 16 W    $2,003    $948    Terrace & District Council for Social  Resources    4623 Tuck Ave    $2,268    $1,360    Terrace-Kitimat Airport Society    4401 Bristol Road    $362,315    $91,376    Terrace-Kitimat Airport Society    4425 Bristol Road    $3,339    $763    Terrace-Kitimat Airport Society    4420 Bristol Road    $4,086    $1,120    Terrace-Kitimat Airport Society    4420 Bristol Road    $383    $198    Terrace-Kitimat Airport Society    4365 Bristol Road    $765    $175    Lori Greenlaw  Collector / Director of Finance
City of Trail <br> <br>Notice  City of Trail    Notice of 2024 Tax Sale  Pursuant to Section 645 of the Local Government Act, the following properties will be offered for sale by  public auction, to be held in the Council Chambers, at the City of Trail Municipal Hall, 1394 Pine Avenue, Trail, B.C.  on Monday, October 7, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. unless the delinquent taxes, penalties and interest, are sooner paid.  Any person upon being declared the successful bidder (bidding a minimum of the upset price or higher)  must immediately pay by bank draft, money order or certified cheque before the auction proceeds  onto the next property auction. Failure to pay will result in the property being offered for tax sale again.  The new purchaser has no legal rights to the property until one year from the date of the tax sale.  If in the one year period, the current owner pays all outstanding taxes, interest and penalties, the property  shall be returned to the original owner and the purchase price, plus interest (as determined by the Province),  shall be returned to the purchaser.  All property sale are “as is” without guarantee. The City of Trail makes no representation, express or implied,  as to the condition or quality of the properties offered for sale. Prospective bidders are advised that it is their  responsibility to inspect the property and make all necessary inquiries in advance to municipal and other  government departments, and in the case of strata lots to the Strata Corporation, to determine the existence of any  bylaws, restrictions, charges or other conditions which may affect the value or suitability of the property.  As per the City of Trail policy FD006.2, a Municipal Officer, appointed by the Chief Administrative Officer  or their designate, is authorized to bid at the annual tax sale on behalf of the Municipality in accordance with  Section 648 of the Local Government Act, up to 75% of the current assessed value for  general municipal purposes of each individual property offered for sale.  ROLL NUMBER    CIVIC ADDRESS    232-000479.000  232-000872.100    232-001498.000    KLD PLAN  DISTRICT  Township  NUMBER  LOT    LOT    BLOCK    1955 Oak Street    4    38    NEP465D    230    008-844-933    1290 Nelson Ave    5    67    NEP1119    230    017-179-343    6    67    NEP1119    230    017-179-351    117    NEP748    1073    016-127-587    116    NEP748    1073    016-127-609    116    NEP748    1073    016-127-633    476 Rossland Ave    Parcel    A    P.I.D.    232-002328.00    1784 Noran Street    A    41    NEP4546    2919    005-980-615    232-003523.000    3161 Highway Dr.    7    2    NEP2551    4598    012-138-738    232-004600.195 8195 Old Waneta Rd.    1    EPP124110    8A    031-876-081
County Of Stettler No. 6  County Of Stettler No. 6    6602 - 44 Ave., Box 1270,  Stettler AB T0C 2L0  Telephone: (403) 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742-1277    PUBLIC NOTICE    AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE BYLAW  BYLAW 1728-24    Notice is hereby given that the County of Stettler No. 6 is proposing to amend Bylaw 1433-10 as follows:    “Rezone 10.50 acres (4.24 hectares) of Lot 1 Block 1 Plan 902 2939 located within the SE-28-38-19-W4M  from the Agricultural (A) District to the Country Residence Agricultural (CRA) District”, as shown below.).    The intent of the amendment is to rezone Lot 1 Block 1 Plan 902 2939 located within the  SE-28-38-19-w4m where a subdivision has been applied for.The applicant is proposing to split the  existing 10.5-acre parcel into two parcels with a minimum parcel size of 3 acres. The subdivision  will make a total of five privately titled parcels within the quarter section, which triggers the  requirement of the new parcels to be zoned Country Residence Agricultural as per our Municipal  Development Plan.  The bylaw may be reviewed at the County Administration Building located at 6602-44 Avenue,  Stettler, Alberta during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.  The Public Hearing to hear representation concerning Bylaw 1724-24 is scheduled to be held  Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 1:00PM or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council  Chambers at the County Administration Building located at 6602-44 Avenue, Stettler, Alberta.  Any person wishing to comment on the proposed bylaw may do so in writing to the Director of  Planning & Development, County of Stettler No. 6, Box 1270 Stettler,Alberta,TOC 2L0, or by email to by October 3, 2024 or make representation at the Public Hearing.  The hearing will be chaired by the Reeve. Persons wishing to join by teleconference or speak in  person will be requested to state their name and address for the record upon being recognized by  the Chair. Council will hear verbal or written submissions from any person who claims to be affected  by the proposed bylaw. Persons may make oral presentations at the hearing regardless of whether  they have provided written comments.  Following the Public Hearing, Council may proceed with second and third reading to approve  the bylaw.  Should you require additional information, please contact the Planning and Development  Department at (403) 742-4441.  Dated: September 10, 2024  Rich Fitzgerald  GIS Coordinator/Development Officer
District of Fort St. James  District of Fort St. James - Request for Proposals (RFP)  The District of Fort St. James is inviting qualified consultants to submit  proposals for the Development Documentation Revitalization Project.  This project, funded through the UBCM Local Government  Development Approvals Program, aims to update and streamline the  District’s internal and public-facing development application processes  and documentation.  Proposal Submission Deadline:  October 15, 2024, at 4:30 PM PST  The full RFP document is available on the District of Fort St. James  website at:  or can be requested via email to:
DISTRICT OF <br>HOUSTON <br> <br>NOTICE  DISTRICT OF  HOUSTON    NOTICE OF  PUBLIC HEARING    Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing  affecting “District of Houston Development Bylaw  No. 1040, 2013” will be held on October 1, 2024  at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Meeting Room at the  District of Houston Municipal Office, 3367 12th St,  Houston, BC. This public hearing will be held both  in person and electronically as per Ministerial  Order M192, via Teams.  “District of Houston Development Bylaw No.  1040, 2013” is proposed to be amended by Bylaw  No. 1199 that would amend the zoning of 2222  Tweedie Ave from R1 (One-Family Residential) to  P1 (Public and Institutional).  The purpose of the proposed bylaw amendment  is to permit the Houston Hospice Society to  use the existing dwelling as their new base of  operations. The existing house will be remodeled  to create office, training and meeting space,  equipment storage, and for hospice care. As  this is an institutional use, the property must be  rezoned.  This property is located at 2222 Tweedie Ave and  is legally described as“Lots 28 to 32, Block 38, Plan  PRP1005, District Lot 622, Range 5 Coast District”.  The subject property is shown cross-hatched and  labelled “Subject Property” on the map below.    SUBJECT  PROPERTY    The Public Hearing will be conducted virtually  and in person. The public may participate in  the meeting via Microsoft Teams Webinar (visit for details and instructions) or provide  comments to Council in writing. At the Public  Hearing all persons who believe that their interest  in property is affected by the proposed bylaw shall  be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard  or to present a written submission respecting  matters contained in the bylaw that is the subject  of the Public Hearing.  The public is strongly encouraged to submit  written comments regarding the proposed bylaw  amendments prior to the public hearing by email  to, or to the District of  Houston Municipal Office located at 3367 12th  Street, Box 370, Houston BC, V0J 1Z0, up to 6  hours prior to the hearing. All verbal and written  submissions will become public records and will  be published on an open meeting agenda. No  further information or representations can be  considered by Council after the public hearing.  A copy of the proposed bylaw, application, and  other relevant information may be inspected at  the Municipal Office between the hours of 8:00  am - 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding  holidays, until October 1st, 2024. A copy of the  bylaw and other relevant information will also be  made available online at  For further information regarding this matter,  please contact the Director of Corporate Services  at or call 250-845-2238.
DISTRICT OF HOUSTON <br> <br>  DISTRICT OF HOUSTON    NOTICE OF TAX SALE  Notice is hereby given that the Tax Sale will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday,  October 7, 2024, in the Council Chamber at the Municipal Office, 3367 – 12th Street,  Houston, B.C. under Section 645(1) of the Local Government Act. The Collector shall offer  for sale, by public auction, each parcel of real property on which taxes are delinquent.  The following properties will be sold on Monday, October 7, 2024, unless the delinquent  taxes plus interest are paid prior to the Tax Sale.  LEGAL DESCRIPTION    STREET ADDRESS    UPSET PRICE    Lot 34; Plan Number PRP6311; District Lot 619;  PID: 010-017-356    2203 Cataline Court    $4,712.24    Lot B; Plan Number PRP 3740; District Lot 620  PID: 011-754-401    3811 East Valley Road    $5,627.85    Lot 13-15; Block 14, Plan Number PRP1005, District Lot 622  PID:013-761-561,013-761-579,013-761-587    3311 - 5th Street    $5,179.26    Lot 1-4 Block 40, Plan Number PRP1005; District Lot 622  PID: 005-211-441,005-211-450,005-211-484,005-211-492    3356 - 13th Street    $5,317.58    Lot PCL A Block 51, Plan Number PRP1005; District Lot 622  PID: 018-621-619    3450 – 16th Street    $2,553.32    Lot 9, Plan Number PRP6227; District Lot 622  PID: 010-007-474    3123 Hagman Crescent    $2,904.78    Lot 45; Plan Number PRP6227; District Lot 622  PID:006-247-971    3164 Hagman Crescent    $6,566.88    Lot 25; Plan Number PRP9055; District Lot 622A  PID:006-409-237    3290 Jewel Road    $6,296.77    Lot D Plan Number PRP4886; District Lot 2109  PID:010-923-985    3311 Mt Davis Way    $11,861.46    These properties will be offered for auction with the upset price being the minimum  price accepted.  NOTE: Payment by cash, certified cheque, money order, or bank draft for the  successful BID price will be required IMMEDIATELY from the declared purchaser.  Failure to pay this amount will result in the property being offered for sale again the following  day at 10:00am.  Purchasers of the tax sale property should note that the sale is not final, as the property is  subject to redemption by the owner until October 7, 2025. If the property is redeemed by the  owner, the tax sale purchase price, plus interest, will be returned to the purchaser.  The District of Houston makes no representation, express or implied, as to the condition or  quality of the properties being offered for sale. Prospective purchasers are urged to make  all necessary inquiries to municipal and other government departments to determine the  existence of any bylaws, restrictions, charges, or other conditions, which may affect the value  or suitability of the property.  The purchase of a tax sale property is subject to tax under the Property Transfer Tax Act on  the fair market value of the property.  For more information, please contact the District of Houston office at 250-845-2238.  Jennifer Larson, Collector
District of Stewart <br>Notice of  District of Stewart  Notice of Tax Sale - Monday, October 7, 2024  10:00 am at the Municipal Hall - 705 Brightwell Street  The following properties will be sold at Tax Sale, unless payment in full for  the delinquent amount plus interest is received prior to the sale.  Folio #  10.030  10.040  10.042  14.170  164.000  165.000  302.000  350.050  436.015    Civic Address  714 20th Ave  717 19th Ave  713 19th Ave  806 Eagle DR.  519 5th Ave  503 Conway Street  101 7th Ave  210 6th Ave  413 12th Ave    Legal Address  Lot 7-12, Blk, 64, Pln 973, DL 336  Lot 15-16, Blk 64,Pln 973,DL 336  Lot 17-18, Blk 64,Pln 973,DL336  Lot 20, Blk, 3, Pln 4874, DL 443  Lot 10, Blk 14, Pln 1191, DL 466  Lot 12 Blk 14, Pln 1191, DL 466  Lot 21-22, Blk 6, Pln 905, DL 468  Lot 5, Blk 11, Pln 905, DL 468  Lot 7, Blk 34, Pln 958, DL 469    Total Upset  Price  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $  $    2,052.08  2,515.34  2,176.66  6,761.81  3,300.07  9,309.62  7,158.72  1,755.46  692.20    Any Person upon being declared the successful bidder must immediately pay by cash or certified cheque a minimum of not  less than the upset price. Failure to pay this amount will result in the property being offered for sale again. Any balance must  be paid by cash or certified cheque by 3:00pm the same day. Failure to pay the balance will result in the property being  offered for sale again at 10:00 am on the following day.  The District of Stewart makes no representation express or implied as to the condition or quality of the properties being for  sale. Prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the properties and make all necessary inquiries to municipal and other  government departments, and in the case of strata lots to the strata corporation, to determine the existence of any bylaws,  restrictions, charges or other conditions which may affect the value or suitability of the property.  The purchase of a tax sale property is subject to tax under the Property Transfer Tax Act on the fair market value of the property.
Eviction Notice <br> <br>As of  Eviction Notice    As of September 18th, 2024  we hereby request that the charges, plus further charges that  may accrue, be paid in full by cash or certified cheque or credit  card on or before: September 28th, 2024.  Unless the charges are paid in full within the above mentioned  time the goods will be sold at auction or disposed of, after  September 28th, 2024.  Unit #119 - Gage Sodmont  River City Storage
Forest Operations Map (FOM) <br>Notice  Forest Operations Map (FOM)  Notice of Public Review and Comment  AAT’UU Forestry Limited Partnership: Forest Operations Map (FOM) Notice of  Public Review and Comment - Aat’uu Forestry Limited Partnership (FSP 992) gives  notice and invites written comment on proposed blocks and/or roads in the FOM  ID 1846  The 30-day public review and comment period begins on September 19, 2024.  Comments must be in writing and be received no later than October 19, 2024. To  review and comment on the FOM visit the following website:  The FOM is intended to enhance transparency of operational planning and to  provide engagement opportunities for interested members of the public, and  community stakeholders. The FOM allows the FSP holder to submit a cutting  permit or road permit application, until the date three years after commencement  of the public review and commenting period. The FOM package included in this  notice is valid until September 19, 2027.  If interested parties cannot access the website, FOM will be available for review and  comment at 301-1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River, BC V9W 5P7.  Please email to comment or arrange an  appointment in advance to ensure a representative from Aat’uu is available. Office  hours are 9:00 am to 12:00pm & 1:00pm to 4:00pm Monday to Friday, during the  FOM 30 day review period.
FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS - INVITATION  FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS - INVITATION TO COMMENT  The public is invited to review and comment on Tolko’s Forest Operations Maps (FOM). The FOM shows  proposed road construction and cut block development under the listed Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP)  within Forest Development Units in the Central Cariboo-Chilcotin Forest District (DCC). This FOM has a  validity period of 3 years beginning September 26, 2024. During the validity period, Tolko may apply for  cutting permits containing cut blocks and apply for permits to construct roads shown on their FOM.  The Forest Operations map for the DCC is available for review at: (  Please use the information below if you require assistance using the online portal to view the FOM.  The Forest Operations Maps for the DCC are also available for in-person review and comment at the  addresses listed below. Business hours are between 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Comments will  be accepted between September 26, 2024, and October 26, 2024, and may be emailed to the respective  e-mail address, delivered in person, or mailed to the address listed below.  Licensee    FSP #    780    Business Physical  Address  180 Hodgson Road,  Williams Lake, B.C.    Business Mailing  Address  180 Hodgson Road,  Williams Lake, BC V2G 3P6    E-mail to submit  comments    Location of Tolko Forest Operations Maps September 26, 2024 – October 26, 2024:  Bowers Lake (ED3365)
FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS - INVITATION  FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS - INVITATION TO COMMENT  The public is invited to review and comment on Tolko’s Forest Operations Maps (FOM). The FOM shows  proposed road construction and cut block development under the listed Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP)  within Forest Development Units in the Central Cariboo-Chilcotin Forest District (DCC). This FOM has a  validity period of 3 years beginning September 26, 2024. During the validity period, Tolko may apply for  cutting permits containing cut blocks and apply for permits to construct roads shown on their FOM.  The Forest Operations map for the DCC is available for review at: (  Please use the information below if you require assistance using the online portal to view the FOM.  The Forest Operations Maps for the DCC are also available for in-person review and comment at the  addresses listed below. Business hours are between 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Comments will  be accepted between September 26, 2024, and October 26, 2024, and may be emailed to the respective  e-mail address, delivered in person, or mailed to the address listed below.  Licensee    FSP #    780    Business Physical  Address  180 Hodgson Road,  Williams Lake, B.C.    Business Mailing  Address  180 Hodgson Road,  Williams Lake, BC V2G 3P6    E-mail to submit  comments    Location of Tolko Forest Operations Maps September 26, 2024 – October 26, 2024:  Horsefly Bay (EG2971) Winkley Creek (EG6826, EG6827)
FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS - INVITATION  FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS - INVITATION TO COMMENT  The public is invited to review and comment on Tolko’s Forest Operations Maps (FOM). The FOM shows  proposed road construction and cut block development under the listed Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP)  within Forest Development Units in the Quesnel Natural Resource District (DQU). This FOM has a validity  period of 3 years beginning September 25, 2024. During the validity period, the licensee may apply for  cutting permits containing cut blocks and apply for road permits to construct roads shown on their FOM.  FOM for the DQU is available for public review online at: ( Please  use the information below if you require assistance using the online portal to view the Forest Operations  Map.  The Forest Operations Maps for the DQU are also available for in-person review and comment at the  addresses listed below. Business hours are between 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Comments  will be accepted between September 25th, 2024, and October 25th, 2024, and may be emailed to the  respective e-mail address, delivered in person, or mailed to the address listed below.  License    Blocks    780    Business Physical  Address  180 Hodgson Road,  Williams Lake, B.C.    Business Mailing  Address  180 Hodgson Road,  Williams Lake, B.C.  V2G 3P6    Location of Tolko Forest Operations Maps, September 25, 2024:  Matthew River (EE6017)    E-mail to submit  commentst
FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS <br>Interfor FOM  FOREST OPERATIONS MAPS  Interfor FOM ID: 1854  Notice is hereby given that Interfor Corporation is seeking  public review and comment on the following Forest  Operations Map (FOM) for a 30-day period between  September 26 to October 26, 2024.  FOM ID: 1854 - CG TFL23 480 Aloha Kahlua - TFS  Natural Resource District – Selkirk  Timber Supply area – Arrow  Landscape Unit – N510 - Johnston  Maps are available for review and comment from the following  website:  Printed maps will also be made available to view through  appointment at the Interfor office located in Castlegar, B.C.  Comments can be submitted online during the 30-day period via or by email or mail.  For inquiries and comments please contact Interfor Corporation –  2705 Arrow Lakes Dr, Castlegar, BC V1N 3W4, between the hours  of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays.  Please reference FOM ID# if commenting by mail or email at:  Following the review and comment period, this FOM may be  relied upon to apply for a road permit or cutting permit for a  3-year period ending September 26, 2027.
HIRED <br>EQUIPMENT <br>REGISTRATION <br>The District  HIRED  EQUIPMENT  REGISTRATION  The District of 100 Mile House is  compiling its Hired Equipment List for  the 2024/2025 Winter season, and  advises that all persons or companies  wishing to have equipment listed should  pick up documents and conditions,  available at the District of 100 Mile  House Office, 385 Birch Avenue,  100 Mile House, BC. Full details and  application package are also available  on our website www.100milehouse.  com.  The specifications filled in and signed  shall be returned to Todd Conway,  Director of Community Services,  District of 100 Mile House, #1 - 385  Birch Avenue, Box 340, 100 Mile  House, BC, V0K 2E0 no later than 2:00  pm, local time, October 18th, 2024.  New listings will be compiled and will  be in effect from acceptance date until  March 31st, 2025. Higher consideration  may be given to Contractors providing  recent snow removal services to the  District.  Todd Conway  Director of Community Service
I Rahul Dandona,S/O Rakesh <br>DANDONA  I Rahul Dandona,S/O Rakesh  DANDONA , resident of House  no 67A,Pocket C1,Mayur Vihar  Phase 3, New Delhi, India 110096  & presently residing at 513-3144,  Jacklin Road,Victoria BC V9B0W1  do hereby change my name from  Rahul DANDONA to RRAHUL  DANDONA, with immediate effect.
Interfor Forest Operations Map <br>Interfor  Interfor Forest Operations Map  Interfor FOM ID: 1855  Notice is hereby given that Interfor Corporation is seeking  public review and comment on the following Forest Operations  Map (FOM) for a 30-day period between September 26 to  October 26, 2024.  FOM ID: 1855 - CG TFL23 408 Low Pass - SB  Natural Resource District – Selkirk  Timber Supply area – Arrow  Landscape Unit –- N526 Vipond  Maps are available for review and comment from the following  website:  Printed maps will also be made available to view through  appointment at the Interfor office located in Nakusp, B.C.  Comments can be submitted online during the 30-day period via or by email or mail.  For inquiries and comments please contact Interfor Corporation –  Nakusp Division, 84 Broadway St W, Nakusp, BC V0G 1R0, between  the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays. Please reference  FOM ID# if commenting by mail or email at:  Following the review and comment period, this FOM may be  relied upon to apply for a road permit or cutting permit for a  3-year period ending September 26, 2027.
Interfor Forest Operations Map <br>Interfor  Interfor Forest Operations Map  Interfor FOM ID: 1863  Notice is hereby given that Interfor Corporation is seeking  public review and comment on the following Forest Operations  Map (FOM) for a 30-day period between September 25 to  October 25, 2024.  FOM ID: 1863 - GF A18969 CP 532 T-Bone – MP  Natural Resource District – Selkirk  Timber Supply area – Boundary  Landscape Unit –- B10 – Burrell  Maps are available for review and comment from the following  website:  Printed maps will also be made available to view through  appointment at the Interfor office located in Grand Forks, B.C.  Comments can be submitted online during the 30-day period via or by email or mail.  For inquiries and comments please contact Interfor Corporation  – Grand Forks Division, 570 68 Ave, Grand Forks, BC, V0H  1H0, between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays.  Please reference FOM ID# if commenting by mail or email at:  Following the review and comment period, this FOM may be  relied upon to apply for a road permit or cutting permit for a  3-year period ending September 25, 2027.
INVITATION TO REVIEW AND PROVIDE  INVITATION TO REVIEW AND PROVIDE COMMENT  ON FOREST OPERATIONS MAP #1862:    Tahltan Forestry Ltd.  Forest Operations Map #1862 for  First Nations Woodlands License N3E  A Forest Operations Map (FOM) #1862 has been prepared by Tahltan Forestry Ltd.  covering lands within the Skeena Stikine Resource District. The area covered by FOM  #1862 includes all forested lands within Tahltan Territory, within the Cassiar Timber  Supply Area.  This FOM identifies planned forestry operations such as proposed cutblocks and roads  and is intended to provide engagement opportunities for interested members of the  public, community, and stake holder groups. Activities proposed in the FOM will be  consistent with the Tahltan Forestry Ltd. Forest Stewardship Plan (#873).  The FOM will be available for review and comment from Thursday September 26, 2024  to Monday, October 28th, 2024. The FOM can be accessed online or during regular  operating hours at the following locations:  Tahltan Forestry Ltd. FOM #1862  Online:  Tahltan Forestry Ltd. Office, 5101 Keith Avenue, Terrace, BC  Monday-Friday 8am-5pm  Comments on the FOM can be submitted electronically through the digital mapping  service or should be in writing with reference the applicable FOM. Written comments  can be sent to the attention of:  Stephen Chipman  NorthPac Forestry Group Ltd.  5101 Keith Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 1K8  Email:  We ask that you provide these comments to us no later than October 28th, 2024.  All written input received during the review period will be forwarded to the District  Manager of the Skeena Stikine Natural Resource District of the BC Ministry of Forests.
La-kwa sa muqw Forestry Ltd.  La-kwa sa muqw Forestry Ltd.  Mid-Island Forest Operation  Forest Operations Map (FOM)    8010 Island Highway  Campbell River, BC  V9W 5E1    La-kwa sa muqw Forestry Ltd., Mid-Island Forest Operation (MIFO), gives notice and  invites comment on the Forest Operations Map (FOM) 932-002 within the Campbell  River Natural Resource District.  FOMs show the approximate location of proposed cutblock(s) and/or road(s) and may  be relied upon for the purposes of cutting permit and/or road permit application until  September 25, 2027. The FOM can be viewed and commented on from September 25,  2024 to October 26, 2024. Comments can be accepted through our online form, email, in person at the address above, or by mail at PO Box  6000, Campbell River, BC, V9W 5E1.  Please visit  to view the FOM online and provide comments digitally. After making an appointment,  the FOM can be viewed at our place of business between the hours of 8 am to 4 pm,  excluding weekends and holidays. Please book the appointment through email  By providing comments on the FOM through any of the above forums, you  acknowledge and consent to the use of any such information provided by to  Western to conduct, monitor and analyze our business operations. We may share  such information with third parties, including government agencies, during  the course of our business operations. Please refer to Western’s Privacy Policy at for more information.
Land Act: Notice of Application  Land Act: Notice of Application  for a Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that 0887581 B.C. Ltd. from  Garibaldi Highlands, BC, have applied to the  Ministry of Water, Lands and Resource  Stewardship (WLRS), Smithers, for a  Investigative Licence for Windpower situated  on Provincial Crown land located in the  vicinity of Grouse Mountain between  Smithers and Houston.  The Lands File for this application is  6409504. Please visit the website at to view the  application and submit comments online.  Alternatively, written comments can be directed  to the Senior Authorizations Specialist, WLRS,  at Bag 5000 – 3726 Alfred Ave, Smithers, BC  V0J 2N0. Comments will be received by WLRS  up to October 23, 2024. WLRS may not be  able to consider comments received after this  date.  Be advised that any response to this  advertisement will be considered part of the  public record. For information, contact the  Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of  Water, Lands and Resource Stewardship Office  in Smithers.
LAND ACT: <br>Notice of Application  LAND ACT:  Notice of Application for  a Disposition of Crown Land  Take notice that Long’s Logging from Terrace, BC has applied  to the Ministry of Water, Lands, and Resource Stewardship  (WLRS) Smithers, for a Licence of Occupation for purposes near  Cedarvale B.C. Legal Description:  THAT PART OF DISTRICT LOT 4772, 5074, AND RANGE S  COAST DISTRICT, TOGETHER WITH THAT PARCEL OR TRACT OF  UNSURVEYED CROWN LAND IN THE VICINITY OF CEDARVALE,  RANGE 5 COAST DISTRICT, SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED MAP,  CONTAINING 1.537 HECTARES, MORE OR LESS.  The Lands File for this application is 6409095.  Please visit https://comment to view the  application and submit comments online.  Alternatively, written comments can be directed to the Senior  Authorizations Specialist, WI-RS, at Bag 5000 - 3726 Alfred Ave.  Smithers. BC VOJ 2ND.  Comments be received by WLRS up to September 25 2024.  WLRS may not be able to consider comments received after  this date.  Be advised that any to this advertisement will be considered  part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom  of Information Advisor at Ministry of Water, Lands, and  Resource Stewardship operations’ office in Smithers.
LANDS FOR SALE BY TENDER  LANDS FOR SALE BY TENDER  The registered owners hereby offer for sale by tender the following briefly described  property located in the County of Stettler No. 6, subject to the reservations, exceptions  and encumbrances contained in the existing certificate of title, but free and clear of any  financial liens:  NE 5-36-18-W4, containing 160 acres more or less, and SE 5-36-18-W4, containing 161 acres  more or less (hereinafter called the “Property”)  Features of the Property: includes pipe sucker rod livestock panels and gate, dugout  located on SE quarter, good 4 wire fences, no surface leases.  The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Property is sold “as is” with no  warranties or representations from the registered owner and property taxes to be adjusted  as of the Closing date. References to composition of the Property are estimated only and  subject to independent confirmation by potential buyers. For more information about the  Property you may contact Gary at 403-876-2065.  Tenders must be received by the offices of Simonin Law up to but not after 12:00 noon on  Tuesday October 22, 2024. Tenders must be in a sealed envelope marked “Innocent Tender”  and must provide contact information, including a phone number.  Buyer must sign an unconditional Purchase Agreement and provide a non-refundable  certified cheque or draft equal to 10% of the purchase price payable to Simonin Law within  5 business days of the Buyer being notified of acceptance of their tender bid. Closing date  shall be on or before Monday December 9, 2024 unless agreed otherwise in writing.  Buyer shall be responsible for own legal and closing costs, plus title insurance if necessary  to facilitate closing. Tender price shall be excluding G.S.T.  SIMONIN LAW  Suite A, 4819 - 51 Street, Box 1630  Stettler, Alberta T0C 2L0  403-742-3411
Legal Notice <br>IN ACCORDANCE WITH  Legal Notice  IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE  WAREHOUSE LIEN ACT,  Notice is given that D.R. Affleck  Holdings LTD DBA Peninsula  Towing INC located at  6678 Bertram Place will  sell at its premises on  September 30, 2024,  by sealed bid the following  vehicles for the purpose of  satisfying the Warehouse Lien.  Bids close September 27, 2024,  at 10:00am  2002 NISSAN X-TERRA  VIN: 5N1MD28Y62C541479  Debtor: McLaren, Y  2004 BMW 320I  VIN: WBAEV13404KL10877  Debtor: Tesla Motor Club  2003 FORD FOCUS  VIN: 3FAFP37343R177734  Debtor: Smith, J  2007 MAZDA MAZDA 5  VIN: JM1CR293770153187  Debtor: Monkman, W  2004 VOLKSWAGN JETTA  VIN: 3VWSR69M94M129667  Debtor: Thompson, J

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